Logo Design & Animation.

One of the most important visual components of a brand is its logo; the symbol of the brand's essence and reason for being. Below is a curated selection of logos that we've infused with motion design.

We didn't just design the animation for the Jewish Senior Life logo; we designed the entire logo itself, and brand guidelines as well. The new brand and logo was debuted in an animation we built that is designed entirely out of the visual building blocks of the logo; basic abstract shapes in the blue and green brand colors all moving and building on and off the screen along with the evocative voiceover.

There is a lot of symmetry around the number "3" baked into this logo; 3 people under a roof, 3 sides to the house, and 3 words in the brand name. It parallels the three principles that the organization wants to embody as it designs its living spaces and cares for its seniors: to live with (1) purpose, (2) community, and (3) joy.

Jimiri is a youth organization that brings students from various schools together to talk about race. Their mission is to "bridge the divide and build friendships across racial lines."

It's very clear they designed their logo with this in mind, and we decided to reciprocate this in our animation design. One circle appears, then another forms out of it, and they scatter apart, disconnected. A line appears, reconnecting the circles. The line subtly dips,  and taken together it looks like two eyes and a smiling mouth, the image of happiness and friendship; all things the organization fosters in its students.

More often than not, clients already have their brand guidelines made and their logos designed, and we have to work with what we're given. Thankfully, Cybersecurity Training Center had a logo already well-suited to animation.

The ominous ghostly figure in the logo has built-in motion trails, and felt like a great starting point. We used those to create a quick burst of swirling line movement, which conjures the image of circuitry. Adding to this aesthetic is the glowing-line technique used to build the bold text, which fills in time with the ghost's shape. When each of these little touches are combined, the impression that's left on the viewer is "tech," "cyber," "digital," etc - all things related to the brand.

Last but not least is our own logo. In the graphic design of the logo we implemented an abstract wave-like shape, subtly conjuring the "state of flow" that all artists strive for. But we also felt it symbolized the end products that we create; the beautiful videos and films we craft and the stories contained within.

To convey this spirit of artistry and filmmaking, we decided to evoke a "paint splashing and swirling" visual metaphor. Each swirl of color represents each phase of film production; green for script-writing, red for on-set production, blue for editing, pink for sound design, and so forth. Each step of the process is special, requiring wildly different skill sets and artistry. But when swirled together they mix, blend, and become one, forming something even more beautiful together than they were apart.